Joey Perry
December 05, 2014. The @JoeyPerryArts social media account launched on Facebook to function as my high school art portfolio. One connection at a time, it grew to be more. I graduated Cum Laude at OSUIT and Magna Cum Laude at Liberty University in Graphic Design.
My client list includes the 75th Annual Little 500, Bristol Motor Speedway, Donnie Ray Crawford Foundation, OCRS, Save The Speedway Inc, along with notable personalities in NASCAR, USAC, and POWRi. I am the author of "Night Racers," and, "I Have A Reason," seen in the Seminole Producer and Countywide & Sun.
The credit for my talents and achievements belong to my Creator. 1 Peter 4:10 "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace..."